Category Archives: health in business

Best tinnitus cures with Lipoflavinoids

Lipo-Flavonoid is a brand name for an over the counter a dietetic supplement. It is also a registered trademark for the same supplement containing citrus bioflavonoids and a selection of synthetic vitamins. This product was developed at the start of the 1960s by a company registered under the name DSE Healthcare, which deals with people with hearing problems.FUELLING-BUSINESS-300x242

What are flavonoids?

Flavonoid is a simple name used to refer to bioflavonoids which are compounds obtained from citrus fruits that have been said to be a botanical medicine for humans.

Bioflavonoids are contained in numerous plants but very abundant in citrus fruits such as orange. This compound is product of plants biochemistry and serves a physiological purpose such as antimicrobial activity, protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun and also pollinator attraction. This compounds have been a subject of study for some time and have been regarded to have a potential botanical medicine values.

To be specific, Lipoflavonoids contain compounds from lemon, a citrus fruit including eriodyctiol glycoside. In addition to that, it also contains vitamins supplements such as vitamin B, vitamin C and choline and inositol.

What role do flavonoids play in the human body?

The primary function of flavonoids is to prevent or curb hearing problems, for instance, Meniere’s disease. This is the reason why DSE Healthcare had an interest in the bioactivity of the compound. Apart from this company, other researchers claimed that patients diagnosed with Meniere’s disease showed hearing improvement when given eriodyctiol glycoside.

Before taking any over the counter drugs, it is important that you first consult with your doctor. This is more so important when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Lipo-Flavonoids have been suspected to have some side effects such as stomach problems, constipation or sometimes diarrhea and loss of appetite. Hence it is important first to consult so as to know your compatibility with this multivitamin drug, to avoid the side effects severe extent.